Miniature Monday - Drummach Makes Himself Heard

Welcome back to Miniature Monday! This week, we're back to miniature reveals with possibly the most inhuman Aberrant yet. Let's take a look at the serpentine Drummach.
Drummach was originally released as a metal miniature in a blister pack alongside Naushka. The snake-like aspects of his anatomy shared some similarities with Luka, but his lack of limbs made him look even more bestial. It's hard to imagine that such a creature used to be human. Unique sculpts like these contributed strongly to Trinity: Battlegrounds' unique aesthetic, and make us wonder again at what could have been if the game had continued.
Rules-wise, Drummach was a 2nd Caste Aberrant, making him slightly more powerful than Luka but also more expensive to add to a Cadre. He had an eclectic mix of abilities, with a Sense Psi power that made any Psi Power used against him less accurate, and Incredible Vision to add a hefty accuracy bonus to his ranged attacks. And what an attack it was! He was armed with the deadly Sonic Scream, the most expensive ranged attack mutation the Aberrants had access to. This devastating blast of raw sound was not only capable of causing heavy damage, it also ignored armour completely. Drummach's target had to rely on only their natural toughness to survive his onslaught. Defensively, Drummach was less powerful. His Flexible Skin provided only a modicum of protection, and even his impressive 9 health wouldn't prevent a determined foe from quickly dispatching him. Drummach was best used tactically, popping out to make surprise attacks before slithering back into cover. We are sure that cunning players will find ways to make good use of this sneaky Aberrant, and we look forward to seeing this unique model appear on tabletops again soon.