Miniature Monday - The Heartless and Terrifying Naushka

Another week has come and gone, and that means another Miniature Monday has arrived. We're taking a break from the heroic Psions to show off another one of the inhuman Aberrants they battle. Today's reveal is a personal favourite of mine, the bizarre and imposing Naushka.

Towering over the Psions and even most other Aberrants, Naushka was a striking figure. Released as a metal miniature in a blister pack with one of his fellow mutants, he was an example of just how strange Aberrants could be. Even with his impressive height, elongated limbs, and the horns growing from his body, his most noteworthy feature was the hole running completely through his chest. Surrounded by strange ridges and giving a clear view inside his body, this cavity left observers wondering just how his biology continued to function. However strange his body might look, it didn't stop him from being a terror on the battlefield. Naushka was a 4th Caste Aberrant, the highest level that was ever released. Included with that high rank was an impressive points cost and a host of different Psi Powers. His Large Legs let him move faster and ignore any terrain shorter than his considerable height, while his strong Ego allowed him to ignore rout rolls that would make a lesser Aberrant flee the field. He could also Raise Ground to create cover wherever he wanted, or use Transmutation to disintegrate a target's armor into its component molecules and leave them defenseless against his attacks. And what an attack it was. Naushka was capable of generating a horrifying Warp Field that tore apart the very structure of reality. This attack dealt massive damage across a huge area and was fully capable of wiping an entire squad of Psions out in a single blast. For defense, he had a powerful Force Field that made him resistant to all forms of attack. Naushka was one of the deadliest Aberrants a Psion could have the misfortune of coming across, but came with a point cost to match. At just over 500 points, he would make up nearly half of an 1100 point starting cadre.

Besides his impressive rules, Naushka is also special to me on a personal level. He was one of the miniatures that caught my eye when I first learned about Trinity: Battlegrounds, and is still my favourite to this day. I am thrilled at the opportunity to bring him and the rest of the line back to life, especially since he seems to have been quite hard to find even during the initial production run. While collecting miniatures to scan, I ended up with a second Naushka, and couldn't help myself from doing some conversion work and painting him up.



Painting and converting our miniatures to make them truly our own is an important part of the wargaming hobby, and Trinity: Battleground encourages that with rules to create your own characters. I can't wait to see what the community creates when the game re-releases.

Tune in next week when we head back to the human side of the war and reveal another Psion.