Miniature Monday - Several Ways That Won't Work

Thomas Edison once famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." We aren't working on anything as groundbreaking as inventing the lightbulb, or (hopefully) going through 10,000 attempts, but today's Miniature Monday is about finding ways that won't work. Last week we showed off some successful test prints of our resurrected Trinity: Battleground, and promised we'd share photos of our results with a new filament, nozzle, and support structure. Unfortunately, the results have been less than stellar.


We have tried a variety of settings with the new filament, and have run into some fairly serious issues, as you can see. The detail is good, though slightly obscured by the colour of the filament, but the resulting models are disappointingly brittle. None of them survived even the gentlest of support removals, and you can see where many of them have come apart entirely. Running into issues like this is fairly common in the realm of 3d printing, as small changes in settings or materials can lead to a range of issues. Just like in all things, we often don't achieve the results we hope for, at least at first. Just as in life, the key to success is persevering despite obstacles, and learning what lessons we can from each setback. The Faceless team will keep experimenting with our printing settings and materials to achieve the best possible results, as well as working on other aspects of the project, and hope to have more exciting news to share next week. In any case, this is nothing more than a disappointing step in the process to success, and we intend to learn all we can from it.