Miniature Monday - Nappochelli Completes the Trio

This week we reveal Nappochelli, another brave Psion warrior who is ready to take the fight to the Abberrant threat.

Nappochelli was another difficult to find miniature who was originally packaged with Hewish and Haruhiko. As a Tier 2 Psion, he was weaker than his Tier 3 companions, but required fewer points to include in a player's army. His lower tier did not mean he was a pushover, though. His Heatburn Psi Power allowed him to throw destructive flame blasts at different targets, while his Heightened Reflexes allowed him to perform additional actions on his turn when needed. Equipment-wise, he wore an Armored Carapace for protection and carried a long-ranged Voss 63K Laser pistol with a mounted Laser Sight. This sight, combined with his Firearms and Sharpshooter skills, made his pistol attacks deadly accurate and even more damaging.
As fun as blasting away at the enemy is, there's more to combat than trying to eliminate your opponent. Trinity: Battleground included several sample scenarios to get players' imaginations working, each with their own objectives, setup rules, and optional twists. The first scenario, Crash!, centered around a crashed supply ship brought down by the Aberrants. The Psion player's objective was to search the crash site for survivors and salvageable equipment, while the Aberrant player aimed to destroy the equipment, kill the survivors, and take down as many Psions as possible. At the end of the seventh turn, the player who saved or destroyed more of their objectives was declared the winner. Other scenarios included an Psions fighting their way out of an Aberrant ambush, and a raid on an Aberrant facility where the Psions aimed to kill mutated prisoners before they awakened and joined the Aberrant's side. The struggle for humanity's survival is certainly not for the faint of heart! With these samples to serve as a baseline, players were encouraged to create whatever new scenarios they could dream up and pit their Aberrants and Psions against each other in all manner of dangerous situations.
Beyond individual scenarios, Trinity: Battleground provided rules for campaign play. During a campaign, players used the same characters across a series of linked scenarios. As the campaign progressed, characters risked being injured or even killed, but also had the opportunity to acquire equipment and mutations, gain experience, and even increase their tier. Players could also create new characters and bring them in as reinforcements. Combined with the rules for creating custom characters, and even to integrate characters from the Trinity roleplaying game into their scenarios, Trinity: Battleground provided potential for countless exciting battles.
Come back next week, when we reveal another miniature and show off some of terrain included in the original Trinity: Battleground box. And don't worry, we have plans to include as much of it as possible in the digital re-release.