Miniature Monday - Slint Slips into the Fray

Welcome back to Miniature Monday! We were hoping to have more test prints to show off, but unfortunately we've been having some technical problems with our printer. Instead, we're going to reveal another miniature that will be re-released as part of our Trinity: Battleground resurrection. This time it's Slint, another serpentine Aberrant.

It's unclear why so many Aberrants gave up their legs for a muscular tail, but it certainly makes for striking sculpts. Like most of the line, Slint was originally released as a metal miniature, in his case as part of a blister pack with another Aberrant (who we'll reveal later). Slint may have been only a 2nd Caste Aberrant, but that didn't make him a pushover. His Incredible Vision Psi Power could make his attacks deadly accurate, and his Fury power meant any enemy who tried to disengage from him would take two free attacks instead of one. Slint was clearly built for taking enemies on in melee combat, and he could deal heavy damage with his Extra Arms and respectable Close Combat of 4. His Armored Plates and high Stamina of 5, coupled with an impressive Health of 9, helped protect him from retaliation and gave him impressive endurance. He wasn't helpless at range either, able to launch Energy Blasts as he closed in. These short range bolts of power didn't deal heavy damage, but their low AP cost meant he could fire them multiple times a turn.

Slint's range of abilities and respectable attributes made him a flexible and dangerous Aberrant, as his snake-like body would suggest. He'll be slithering his way back onto battlefields, and into your collections, soon enough.